Monday, September 10, 2012

PERAK TAX FORUM 2012 Session 2

The Tax Agent's Role in Facilitating Tax Compliance
Mr Koay Chuan Seng
Timbalan Pengarah Bahagian Rayuan dan Bantuan
Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri

Commentary from Mr Beant Singh:

Questions from the floor:

PERAK TAX FORUM 2012 Session 1

Corporate Tax Planning
Madam Leong Choy Loon
Tax Director
Ernst & Young

Questions from the floor:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

PERAK TAX FORUM 2012 Booth Visit cum tea break

PERAK TAX FORUM 2012 Keynote address by Guest of Honour

PERAK TAX FORUM 2012 Welcome address by CTIM President

PERAK TAX FORUM 2012 Opening Ceremony

PERAK TAX FORUM 2012 Registration of delegates

15 March 2012 - the day of the Perak Tax Forum 2012 - is finally here!!

Registration for the forum began at about 8am.

Guests, speakers and participants mingle among themselves while awaiting the opening cerenomy.
Arrival of the guest of honour.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Perak Tax Forum 2012 is now open for registration !!

Coverage of CTIM Perak in Nanyang Siang Pao

The Branch Chairman, Mr Chak Kong Keong recently appeared in a local chinese daily press, Nanyang Siang Pao (23 February 2011). The article covered what CTIM does and its objectives, ways to become members of CTIM (ie qualifications and exam route) and an introduction to the upcoming Perak Tax Forum 2012.

Appearing with the Branch Chairman are Mr Lam Weng Keat, the organising chairman of the Forum and Ms Connie Wan, the organising chairperson of the Gala Dinner.

Members' Dialogue - 27 December 2011

On 27 December 2011, members in Perak were treated to a members’ dialogue cum luncheon held at a local club here in Ipoh graced by the presence of the CTIM President, two council members and a technical manager of CTIM. The event was well attended.

The President shared his plans for the Institute, updated the members present of the current status of on-going developments and welcomed feedback. Among the matters noted were the expansion of the CTIMsecretariat, MOUs with China, Australia and Indonesia, the Integrated Management System (IMS), investing in Technology to facilitate dissemination of information (ie eCTIM etc), sub-committees initiatives, attracting new members, practicing certificates etc.

The President also urged the CTIM Perak committee to engage with the IRB, Customs and relevant state agencies in Perak to promote the CTIM brand.

Council members and the technical manager present chipped in to update members on recent developments involving the Ministry of Finance and the Inland Revenue in relation to the tax profession. Members present also shared their views.

It was indeed an unforgettable encounter for many as members in Perak had never been so timely updated before with these recent on-going developments.

The President and his entourage then capped off the visit to Ipoh, Perak with a courtesy call to the IRB with the Branch Chairman, Mr Chak Kong Keong and committee members of CTIM Perak.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Informal dinner with professional bodies - 10 November 2011

Committee members of CTIM Perak came together with committee members of other professional bodies in Perak for an informal dinner on 10 November 2011 to network amongst peers.

Committee members and representatives from CTIM, CIMA, MACS, CPA Australia, ACCA and MIA were seen mingling with each other joyously.

Courtesy call to Royal Malaysian Customs Department - 3 November 2011

A courtesy call was paid to Custom Ipoh on 3 November 2011.

Professional development - June to December 2011

On the professional development front, courses held during the first half were Public Rulings 2011 on 4 October 2011 and Budget 2012 on 24 October 2011.

The Branch Chairman, Mr Chak Kong Keong, was also invited as a panelist in the LHDN’s Budget 2012 seminar held on 18 October 2011.

Courtesy call to IRB Ipoh - 27 September 2011

A courtesy call to the Inland Revenue Board at Ipoh was held on 27 September 2011.

It was a fruitful visit with both sides engaging in discussions and exchanging views on common areas, difficulties faced by practitioners and the IRB and various suggestions put forth.

New Term 2011/2012 - A new branch chairman

CTIM Perak started off the new term 2011/2012 with a new branch chairman, Mr Chak Kong Keong. The first committee meeting was held on 5 August 2011 with the introduction of a new line-up of committee members comprising old and new members.

Various branch activities were also planned for the year. This was widely covered by the Chinese press (Sin Chew Daily, Nanyang Siang Pau and China Press) in Perak.