Wednesday, April 24, 2013

ANNOUNCEMENT - Annual Dinner 2013

Dear Member / Student / Friend,

Friday, 26th April 2013, 7:30pm
Kinta Riverfront Hotel, Pusing Room, Ipoh, Perak

CTIM Perak Branch is pleased to announce its annual function “CTIM Perak Annual Dinner cum Members Get-Together” for Year 2013 will be held in the month of April this year. Time really flies and the year 2012 is now behind us. It is time for CTIM members and also CTIM students to meet at this annual function to renew our friendship and fellowship with one another again. For members in practice, it is also an opportunity to encourage and motivate our staff by inviting them to join this CTIM Perak function. Old friends and new friends may meet and share their 2012 experience and perhaps, resolutions for the New Year 2013; etc during this fellowship function.

This annual dinner and get-together provides also the opportunity to maintain the communication links between CTIM HQ and our members / students who are residing in the State of Perak Darul Ridzuan, and also foster fellowship among the Perak branch committee and the members in Perak.

Please come and join us in this Annual Dinner where we can meet and interact. We also encourage you to bring along your spouse and colleagues / staff. You will have the opportunity to meet some of the Council members as they would be among our invited guests.

Please register on or before 18th April 2013. For additional information, please feel free to contact our Branch Chairman, Mr. Chak Kong Keong (H/P: 012-5188119), Ms. Lim (Tel : 05-2415325, Fax: 05-2533492) or the undersigned.

Thank you!

Best Wishes,
Chuah Sze Tong (H/P: 019-4145166)
Organising Chairperson

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Career talk at UTAR - 1 February 2013

The Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Kampar Accounting Club organised a career talk for students of the University.

CTIM Perak branch representative, Mr Loo Thin Tuck spoke on pursuing a career in taxation and encouraged students to take up the CTIM professional examinations towards achieving this goal.

The career talk was also attended by CTIM Perak branch chairman, Mr Chak Kong Keong and deputy chairman, Mr Lam Weng Keat.

This was followed by a short tour around the university.

IRB Dialogue with tax agents in Perak - 15 January 2013

The Inland Revenue Board (IRB) Ipoh Branch organised a half day event to have a dialogue with all tax agents in Perak on 15 January 2013 at its premises.

Before the event started, CTIM branch chairman and vice-chairman took the opportunity to have fellowship with the IRB's office bearers.
The dialogue started off with an opening address by Puan Wan Azni, IRB's State Director.

This was followed by short speeches by Mr Chak Kong Keong representing CTIM and Mr Lam Weng Keat representing MIA.

The event was attended by about 120 tax practitioners and 80 IRB officers.

Before the dialogue proper, Madam Ting Suk Tin from the Investigation Unit presented a briefing on how to file Form Q.

Some issues raised by the tax agents during the dialogue were as follows:-

  • Tax refund
  • Penalty on non-compliance with the monthly tax deductions (MTD)
  • Assessments raised under Section 90 of the Income Tax Act 1967
  • Finalisation of backlog cases

The IRB also raised some field audit and compliance issues during the dialogue.

It was a fruitful dialogue with both parties exchanging views on issues affecting the tax profession.

In addition, the parties took the opportunity to mingle during breaks.

The dialogue ended with momentoes and a lunch with the IRB indicating that it will organise a similar dialogue next year.

Terima kasih IRB Perak Branch!!