Sunday, March 8, 2015

CTIM PERAK ANNUAL DINNER 2015, Friday, 13th March 2015, 8:00 pm, Syeun Hotel, Ipoh

We are pleased to announce that CTIM, Perak will organise our Annual Dinner cum Members Get-Together on Friday 13th March 2015 (Friday).

Once again, this invitation is extended to CTIM members and CTIM students to meet, interact, renew friendship and fellowship among ourselves at this annual function. This annual event also provides the opportunity to maintain the communication links between our members / students / friends who are residents of Perak.

The highlight of the evening will be a performance by Sam Tet School Orchestra. We encourage you to bring along your spouse as well as your staffs / colleagues and friends.

Kindly register on or before 6th March 2015 (Friday) to facilitate the booking of tables. Feel free to contact our Branch Chairman, Mr Chak Kong Keong (H/P 012-5188119) and/or Ms Lim (Tel: 05-2548293/Fax: 05-2533492) for enquiries.

Hope to see you soon and thank you.

Best Wishes,

Chak Kong Keong
Chairman/Organising Chairperson