Sunday, September 13, 2009


Welcome to CTIM Perak Information Board!!

CTIM Perak had its first committee meeting on Monday, 6 July 2009.

The newly appointed Branch Chairman, Mr Loo Thin Tuck, welcomed and introduced the committee members for the year 2009/2010 as follows:-

Mr Loo Thin Tuck (Branch Chairman)
Mr Lam Weng Keat (Deputy Branch Chairman)
Mr Chak Kong Keong
Mr Chew Pete Cheung (Secretary)
Mr Chuah Sze Tong
Mr Phan Ooi Tong
Mr Yew Teck Huat (Treasurer)
Mr Harbhajan Singh a/l Ujagar Singh

Various departments were set up with each committee member taking a department. Among activities planned are the Northern Region Tax Forum, annual dinner, dialogues with Inland Revenue and Customs.

Bookmark this page for future updates.

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