Monday, April 26, 2010

ANNUAL DINNER 2010 - press coverage

The organising committee of CTIM Perak has come together for the second time to realise the Annual Dinner 2010 on 23 April 2010. A big thank you to the Branch Chairman, Mr Loo Thin Tuck, the Organising Chairmen, Mr Chuah Sze Tong and Mr Phan Oi Tong and the committee for a job well done. Special thanks to Mr Chak Kong Keong and Mr Lam Weng Keat for securing many sponsors and advertisers.

Last but not least, a big THANK YOU to all participants for making the event a successful one.

The event served as a common ground to foster fellowship amongst its member and was well covered by the Chinese Press.

Sin Chew (25/4/2010)

Oriental (25/4/2010)

Nan Yang (25/4/2010)

China Press (25/4/2010)


The recently held Northern Region Tax Forum organised by CTIM Perak on 23 April 2010 was well covered by the Chinese Press.

Kudos to the Branch Chairman, Mr Loo Thin Tuck, Organising Chairman, Mr Chuah Sze Tong, and his committee with a big thank you to Mr Lam Weng Keat in assisting to secure many of the speakers and moderators.

Sin Chew (24/4/2010)

Oriental (24/4/2010)

Nan Yang (24/4 /2010)

China Press (24/4/2010)


To be posted.

Thursday, April 15, 2010



Registration is still open and early bird rates been extended.

Indeed a rare occasion for an event of such nature to be held in Ipoh.

Looking forward to your kind support!

Registration closes by 21 April 2010.

Registration form:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Career talk at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar, Perak - 7 April 2010

At the request of the Accounting Society of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Kampar, Perak, CTIM Perak Branch Chairman, Mr Loo Thin Tuck delivered a career talk to 112 students pursuing accountancy courses at UTAR on 7 April 2010. The Branch Chairman gave an overview of CTIM and taxation related matters.

Mr Lam Weng Keat, the MIA Branch Chairman also took the stage and gave an overview of the role and function of MIA, the various routes to become an MIA member, types of membership and the benefits of MIA membership amongst others.

The speakers shared their experience, knowledge and view of the accountancy profession and stressed the importance of maintaining professional values and relevance to the market place when they become members.

Courtesy call on the Inland Revenue Board, Teluk Intan on 23 March 2010

On 23 March 2010, CTIM Perak paid a courtesy call on the Inland Revenue Board(“IRB”), Teluk Intan. The delegation comprised Mr Loo Thin Tuck (the Branch Chairman), Mr Lam Weng Keat (also MIA Branch Chairman), together with two committee members from CTIM and MIA respectively. They were met by the Branch Director , Encik Wan Fauzi Wan Idris, his deputy Puan Fatimah Rodi and his heads of department from the various units.

The Branch Director welcomed the courtesy call as this is the first time that the professional bodies made a courtesy call on IRB Teluk Intan. The Branch Director commented that there are some taxpayers in Teluk Intan who employ bogus bookkeepers to prepare accounts and tax returns based on incomplete records and enquired how the professional bodies could assist in educating the taxpayers. The MIA Branch Chairman replied that MIA and LHDN could organize joint seminars, courses or talks in Teluk Intan to create awareness amongst taxpayers on the importance of keeping proper records for tax purposes. The MIA Branch Chairman stressed that MIA will take strict disciplinary action against MIA members who are unprofessional in their conduct if there is a written complaint against them and supported with evidence.

It was a fruitful discussion with both sides exchanging their views on common interest. Lastly, MIA/CTIM Perak Branch expressed their appreciation to the IRB, Teluk Intan for agreeing to the courtesy call and expressed hope that there will be more of such meetings / dialogues in the future.

Thursday, March 18, 2010




Organised by CTIM Perak Branch

Date : 23 April 2010 ( Friday )
Time : 9.00 am - 5.00 pm (Forum)
7.00pm (Annual Dinner)

Venue : Syuen Hotel, Ipoh, Perak


Wan Azni Wan Hassan, Pengarah Negeri Perak, LHDN
Dr. Veerinderjeet Singh, President of CTIM
S. Saravana Kumar, Lawyer, Tax Practice Group of Lee Hishammuddin & Gledhill
Ivan Goh, Associate Director-Transfer Pricing, KPMG

Topics covered in this Tax Forum include RPGT, Transfer Pricing, Latest Tax Cases and The future of tax practice.

There are also booths exhibition in this Northern Region Tax Forum.

CTIM Members in Northern Region are strongly encouraged to register for this event which is held on Friday, 23 April 2010 in Ipoh, Perak. Meet up with renown speakers, Mr Ivan Goh, Mr. S. Saravana, Mr. Veerinderjeet Singh, CTIM President and also Pn Wan Azni, Pengarah Negeri Perak, LHDN and many friends in this Tax Forum!

Registration on or before 5 April 2010 will enjoy Early Bird Savings.

For enquiries, contact:-

Chuah Sze Tong
Organising Chairman
CTIM Northern Region Tax Forum 2010
c/o Chung Wan Ling & Co. (AF: 1400)
7 (1st Floor), Jalan Dato Yeoh Cheang Lee
30100 Ipoh, Perak
H/P: 019-4145166 Fax: 05-2495859
E-mail: / /

Registration form:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

With best wishes for a

Happy New Year 2010

from the committee members of CTIM Perak

Courtesy call to Royal Malaysian Customs Department - 20 November 2009

On 20 November 2009, CTIM and MIA Perak branches paid a courtesy call on the Royal Malaysian Customs Department, Ipoh.
The delegation was led by Mr Loo Thin Tuck, the Branch Chairman with 2 committee members. Together with the delegation were MIA Perak Branch's representatives led by Mr Lam Weng Keat (also CTIM Perak's deputy chairman) and 2 committee members.
They were met by the State Director of Customs, Y Bhg. Dato’ Hj Dzulkurnain bin Abd Rahman and his senior officer, Cik Norhayati.
The State Director welcomed the courtesy call as it would forge a closer relationship between the Customs and the professional bodies. It was a fruitful call with both sides exchanging their views on common interest.
CTIM and MIA Perak expressed their appreciation to the Royal Malaysian Customs Department, Ipoh for agreeing to the courtesy call and expressed hope that there will be more of such meetings/dialogues in the future.

Courtesy call to IRB Taiping - 6 November 2009

On 6 November 2009, CTIM Perak Branch together with MIA Perak Branch, paid a courtesy call on En. Abdul Hamed bin Sulaiman, the Branch Director of the Inland Revenue Board (“IRB”) Taiping and his senior officers. The branch chairman, Mr Loo Thin Tuck, deputy chairman, Mr Lam Weng Keat (also MIA Perak Branch chairman) and Mr Chak Kong Keong represented CTIM Perak.

During the courtesy call, the IRB made a request for the professional bodies to assist them in its tax collection process by educating taxpayers to fulfill their responsibilities particularly under the Self Assessment System. Both parties exchanged their views on the matter and the professional bodies assured the IRB that their members will exercise the highest level of professional care and ethics in discharging their responsibilities.

It was a fruitful discussion with both sides exchanging views on common areas. It is hoped that more meetings of such nature would be held in future.

MATRADE/SME Corp talks - 23 October 2009

CTIM Perak together with MIA Perak Branch organised the MATRADE and SMIDEC talks for members in Perak on 23 October 2009 at SMIDEC’s premise.

SMIDEC is now known as SME Corp.

The talks were conducted by MATRADE‘s Northern Region director, Encik Mazlan Harun

and Perak SME Corp's director, Encik Mohd Faiz Mohammad Yunus respectively.

Both the speakers outlined the purpose and role of MATRADE and SME Corp, including the various grants available to SMI/SMEs, particularly in the manufacturing and service sectors.

A total of 30 participants attended the talk for each session.