Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Courtesy call on the Inland Revenue Board, Teluk Intan on 23 March 2010

On 23 March 2010, CTIM Perak paid a courtesy call on the Inland Revenue Board(“IRB”), Teluk Intan. The delegation comprised Mr Loo Thin Tuck (the Branch Chairman), Mr Lam Weng Keat (also MIA Branch Chairman), together with two committee members from CTIM and MIA respectively. They were met by the Branch Director , Encik Wan Fauzi Wan Idris, his deputy Puan Fatimah Rodi and his heads of department from the various units.

The Branch Director welcomed the courtesy call as this is the first time that the professional bodies made a courtesy call on IRB Teluk Intan. The Branch Director commented that there are some taxpayers in Teluk Intan who employ bogus bookkeepers to prepare accounts and tax returns based on incomplete records and enquired how the professional bodies could assist in educating the taxpayers. The MIA Branch Chairman replied that MIA and LHDN could organize joint seminars, courses or talks in Teluk Intan to create awareness amongst taxpayers on the importance of keeping proper records for tax purposes. The MIA Branch Chairman stressed that MIA will take strict disciplinary action against MIA members who are unprofessional in their conduct if there is a written complaint against them and supported with evidence.

It was a fruitful discussion with both sides exchanging their views on common interest. Lastly, MIA/CTIM Perak Branch expressed their appreciation to the IRB, Teluk Intan for agreeing to the courtesy call and expressed hope that there will be more of such meetings / dialogues in the future.

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