Monday, April 26, 2010

ANNUAL DINNER 2010 - press coverage

The organising committee of CTIM Perak has come together for the second time to realise the Annual Dinner 2010 on 23 April 2010. A big thank you to the Branch Chairman, Mr Loo Thin Tuck, the Organising Chairmen, Mr Chuah Sze Tong and Mr Phan Oi Tong and the committee for a job well done. Special thanks to Mr Chak Kong Keong and Mr Lam Weng Keat for securing many sponsors and advertisers.

Last but not least, a big THANK YOU to all participants for making the event a successful one.

The event served as a common ground to foster fellowship amongst its member and was well covered by the Chinese Press.

Sin Chew (25/4/2010)

Oriental (25/4/2010)

Nan Yang (25/4/2010)

China Press (25/4/2010)

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